Immerse yourself in a world of inspiration with our captivating image gallery, brimming with breathtaking visuals of our meticulously crafted custom homes that will leave you longing for your own dream residence. Gain insights and gather ideas from our thought-provoking blog, featuring the latest trends and design tips to elevate your home to new levels of luxury. Explore our innovative design studio; your destination for personalising your new Marque home, where your imagination can take flight and transform your vision into reality. Embark on a journey of creativity and indulge in the beauty of luxury home building.

Inspiration Gallery
Experience luxury at its finest with our curated showcase of Marque homes. From elegant mansions to contemporary residences, explore our collection of meticulously crafted masterpieces that exude sophistication and modernity. Get inspired for your own dream home with our gallery of architectural marvels and breathtaking interiors.
Design Studio
Experience the Marque design studio, where home building dreams come to life. Discover curated materials, finishes, and products for inspired design. Our talented team combines aesthetics with functionality, creating visually stunning and practical spaces for modern living. Let creativity flourish and turn your home into a timeless masterpiece.
Explore our blog for the ultimate guide to luxury home building. From new product info to design trends and expert advice, discover cutting-edge products, innovative designs, and valuable insights to create your exceptional living space with confidence.
In the Media
Marque was proudly featured on Season 2 of the popular TV series "Dream Homes Revealed" on 9Life. The episode showcased our stunning Patterson Show Homes, highlighting our exceptional design, craftsmanship, and innovation.